The Evolution Equation

Health is literally wealth.

This week was a confirmation in the lesson that health is literally wealth.

The only difference is that one is felt externally (wealth) while the other, internally (health)

Are you broke but healthy? Do you want a way to instantly feel better about your situation? Imagine having a searing toothache, or a freshly broken ankle… How about going blind? Or deaf? Suddenly feel more grateful for being a fully functioning human huh?

It’s truly a blessing. Nothing in this life is a given, you must maintain and grow for yourself.

Anyway, it’s been a very focused and important week, what with making my first course and everything. A lot of mistakes and lessons packed into 7 days… but the biggest was that every time I sacrificed healthy habits for short-term pleasure…

I felt horrible afterwards, which affected my work.

I’m started to look at my life as a formula. We won’t always get it right, but self-awareness is a tool we can use to create a beautiful life.

the process of all evolution…

Every time I smoked some weed before bed on a weekday, it led to me going to bed and waking up later than I wanted to :/

Every time I binged a show instead of digesting a few pages of a book I was reading, I felt my mind being numbed by the programming of the television.

Small changes of habit that lead to greater health, often result in your whole life improving down the line. More money, more happiness, more freedom.

Just some thoughts… What’s one habit you know is holding your health level back? Let me know…

Speaking of health tho…

A Shroom Blend That Makes Flow State Easy 🍄

For those who don’t know, I made a shroom supplement brand… It’s for all my “high-performance hippies” out there who want something that allows them to:

  • slip into flow state easier

  • sleep better

  • perform better (athletically, in bed, etc)

  • restore gut health (literally happier due to increased serotonin production)

I’m running a special limited-time promotion for all my kaizenites who want to take their health and happiness to the next level -

Don’t take my word for it, just check the reviews…

Head to before the weekend is over for your special discount.

Kaizen’s Favourite Things This Week:

I’ve just been working on my course, so I haven’t been consuming much… but here’s a cool video I watched on why you should do a bad job. It’s something I definitely needed.

My Latest YouTube Video

nothin yet, sorry.


“Those who have no time for healthy living will sooner or later have to find the time for illness.’’ – Edward Stanley